The family tree on this page traces Sekuru Chigamba’s paternal lineage back eight generations. It locates his family’s origins in the figure of Chingoo, who is alternately known as Chirambakudomwa. As Sekuru Chigamba describes in “Mutota’s Kingship,” Chingoo was among the companions of the early ruler Mutota. Chingoo is recognized as the founding ancestor of the Nhova/Soko royal dynasty, whose present-day ruler is Chief Chipuriro. Historian D.N. Beach dates Chingoo back to the period of around 1639-1641 (1978), while other sources suggest that he may have lived as early as 1440-1450.
Click on any name on Sekuru Chigamba’s family tree to see the stories in which that person appears. Please note that not all individuals on the family tree will appear in a story. Names in bold text indicate Sekuru Chigamba’s lineal antecedents (his parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc.). Names in regular text indicate his collateral antecedents (aunts and uncles, extending back through the generations).