Njera – kana kuti zviyo, kana kuti rukweza – ndopatinowana nhingetinge. Nhingetinge unoiwana yakasiyana neimwe hura so. Saka hura dzimwe dzacho dzakadai so. Nhingetinge…
KuGuruve uko taiti kana kwashaya mvura, taidya michero yakasiyana-siyana. Kwaita zvimwe zvinoti, muti unogona kuita zvinhu zvakangozara zvinoita zvataiti humanye, unogona kubvisa zvinhu zvacho…
Kana kusina kunaya mvura, vamwe vaitsvaga ruga, uswa unonzi ruga, unogara mubani, vachichera vachitora vachigadzira, vouya nekuudzura, voita upfu. Vodya sadza. Iye zvino, uswa…
Bemhapemha uchi unotanga nguva yekupisa iyaiya, unoita mashizha emiti, unoona wakanamirira so. Saka taitora mashizha aya, totora gate, toisa mvura, half. Totora mashizha tichisuka…
Sekuru Chigamba prepares to record makwa handclapping for the mbira song “Shumba.” Made during his visit to the University of Rochester to workshop…
Because it stands in a particular relationship to the drumming parts, the consistent makwa pattern in this mhande song plays the role of…
Mbende, also known as jerusarema, has been designated an official form of intangible human heritage by UNESCO. Mbende songs typically move between alternating sections…
“Tanda Shiri We,” humbekumbe song performed by the Chitsiga Drummers & Singers of Guruve
The importance of the hosho in orienting participants within the… -
“Morobhia,” groundbow song performed by Sekuru Compound Muradzikwa
Sekuru Compound Muradzikwa was born in 1943 in Buhera. During his youth, he learned to play… -
Chipendani Song, “Kunatsa Muroyi”
Sekuru Chigamba describes Brian as a particularly talented performer able to adapt songs from complex ngoma, or drumming, dance, song…
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