In 1995, Sekuru Chigamba accompanied ethnomusicologist Lucy Duran and BBC presenter Tessa Watt on a research trip to Nyanhewe Village in Rushinga, located in the northeastern region of Mount Darwin. During the trip, Sekuru Chigamba translated and assisted during interviews, ceremonies, and musical demonstrations. The material from this trip would later be used in the production of the radio program “Talking Drum,” which was aired by the BBC. Other participants on the trip included ethnomusicologists Keith Goddard and Diane Thram, Keith Goddard’s research assistant Phillip Marira, and musician Chris Berry.
Most of the photographs on this page depict Nyanehwe Village in Rushinga, although some were taken at the Chigamba family home in Highfield, Harare, just prior to departing for Rushinga. Click on an image for description, location, and reference information.